Catat! Kartu BPJS Kesehatan Jadi Syarat Jual Beli Tanah dan Rumah Mulai 1 Maret 2022

Shelma Rachmahyanti
Catat! Kartu BPJS Kesehatan Jadi Syarat Jual Beli Tanah dan Rumah Mulai 1 Maret 2022 Jual Beli Rumah (Foto: Okezone)

2. Based on the second dictum number 17 presidential instruction number I of 2022 on optimizing the implementation of the National Health Insurance Program, instructed that the Minister of Agrarian affairs and Spatial Planning / Head of the National Land Agency ensures that the applicant for the transfer of land rights because buying and selling is an active participant in the National Health Insurance program. ‎

‎3. Based on the foregoing, any application for registration services for land rights or Property Rights to Rrimah Susun Units due to buying and selling must be equipped with a photocopy of bpjs health participant card.‎

Editor : Eka Dian Syahputra


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